Facebook Puzzle (liarliar) Test-cases

Below are some of the test cases I picked (and tested against) from the liarliar Facebook discussion forum.

Test-case 1
$ javac LLTest.java
$ java LLTest 100000 20090727 >1.in
$ java liarliar 1.in
50091 49909

Test-case 4
$ java -Xmx512m LLTest4 1000000 1 >4.1.in
$ md5sum 4.1.in b91b728927d43da2c745f4ff2a57953b 4.1.in
$ java liarliar 4.1.in
500112 499888

Test-case 5
$ java -Xmx512m LLTest4 1000000 1 >4.1.in
$ md5sum 4.1.in b91b728927d43da2c745f4ff2a57953b 4.1.in
$ java liarliar 4.1.in
500112 499888

Above test-cases are not created by me. Credits to David Eisenstat.


  1. thanks dude! :)

  2. hi binghan, can you please tell me whether test case 1 output (50091 49909) is right?
    I checked on my solution and its giving 50089 49911.. but takes more than 10 minutes to run on such a big data..
    is it acceptable?

  3. Hi sol0, the output should be correct. 10 minutes is too long, you might want to optimize your algorithm to fit into less than 5 seconds.

    You can follow the discussion here http://on.fb.me/imA0zv. You will most people got it around 2 second.


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